Fnny와 Jessy는 패션계의 피터팬인 쟝 샤를르 카스텔바작 밑에서 일하다가 독립한 디자이너들인 만큼 그들의 컬렉션은 카스텔바작의 재치있고 유머러스한 색깔도 어느정도 묻어나있다. 하지만 그들은 무언가 카스텔바작보다는 훨씬 어둡고 심오한 정신세계를 가지고 있는 것만은 확실하다. 우선 그들의 룩에서는 사랑스러운 밤비같은 동화속 주인공들이 전혀 떠오르지 않기 때문이다. 굳이 떠올려 본다면 ... 백설공주에선 못된 왕비, 빨간모자에서는 늑대 정도?;;;;;;;
블랙을 메인컬러로 선택했음에도 불구하고 무거운 느낌이 아닌 블랙을 가볍게 가지고 놀고 있다는 느낌이 드는 건 왜일까. 어떻게 보면 간단한 룩 같아 보이지만 레깅스에 가죽패치라던지 컷아웃 디테일이라던지 또는 데님에 매쉬소재를 믹스한 블루종등 아이템 하나하나에 신경을 쓴 그들의 센스가 남달라 보인다. 특히 이들의 컬렉션에서는 여성스럽고 로맨틱한 분위기로만 연출되어 온 플라워패턴이 이렇게 쉬크해 보일수가 없다!!!!!
런던과 도쿄의 트렌디한 영 패션피플들에게 관심사가 되고 있는 브랜드라니 주목해 봐야 할 필요가 있다.
Fanny and Jessy are a design duo who originate from Somerset and graduated from the London College of Fashion in 2009. With their acquired skills and knowledge and through their experience working with designers such as Nova Dando, PPQ and Jean Charles de Castelbajac, they decided to launch their own label.
Fanny and Jessy is a young fashion label, aimed at women but with a strong element of unisex. The brand reflects and is intended for the experimental and confident youth culture of today. They take inspiration from the world around them in the form of avant-garde, intricate designs with a sporty silhouette. Their designs offer an alternative outlook on fashion using unconventional fabrics and exciting techniques.
Their debut collection ‘I Hope You Die Soon’ was worn by performers such as Saint Saviour of Groove Armada, Rihanna, Sarah Harding of Girls Aloud, Caroline of Kap Bambino and Bourgeois and Maurice. Their second collection titled ‘Vaniloquence’ was released off schedule in February 2010 and has already received great press coverage with pieces being borrowed by Lady Gaga for her world-wide tour. Fanny And Jessy are now stocked in several independent retailers based in London and Tokyo.
Fanny and Jessy are a design duo who originate from Somerset and graduated from the London College of Fashion in 2009. With their acquired skills and knowledge and through their experience working with designers such as Nova Dando, PPQ and Jean Charles de Castelbajac, they decided to launch their own label.
Fanny and Jessy is a young fashion label, aimed at women but with a strong element of unisex. The brand reflects and is intended for the experimental and confident youth culture of today. They take inspiration from the world around them in the form of avant-garde, intricate designs with a sporty silhouette. Their designs offer an alternative outlook on fashion using unconventional fabrics and exciting techniques.
Their debut collection ‘I Hope You Die Soon’ was worn by performers such as Saint Saviour of Groove Armada, Rihanna, Sarah Harding of Girls Aloud, Caroline of Kap Bambino and Bourgeois and Maurice. Their second collection titled ‘Vaniloquence’ was released off schedule in February 2010 and has already received great press coverage with pieces being borrowed by Lady Gaga for her world-wide tour. Fanny And Jessy are now stocked in several independent retailers based in London and Tokyo.
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